Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Updates & Transparency

So I know it’s been a very long time since I’ve updated this blog, but I’ve decided to make a quick update to offer some transparency on the current status of Ashwood and my writing, in general.

Ashwood was originally published by indie publisher Distinguished Press in September 2015. Like many small, indie pub houses, DP closed shop soon after Ashwood’s publication. It was then picked up by another indie publisher, FantasyWorks, and re-published under them in September 2016. Sadly, they too fell on hard times and had to close shop. This is the unfortunate fate of many small publishers. The publishing industry isn’t doing very well right now, even for the largest publishers so you can imagine how hard it is for newly budding indie houses. I knew the risks going into it when I first signed on with an indie house, and while it’s certainly disappointing it’s not unexpected.

As of the time of this posting, you can still get a copy of Ashwood here for the time being:

Kinokuniya NYC

As FantasyWorks phases out though, the supplies will dwindle so I’m going to look into self-publishing Ashwood in the future, and am still planning for a sequel, which will likely also be self-published. As much as I would like to avoid the self-publishing route, at this point I feel it’s the best option to keep Ashwood out there and accessible.

Lately my focus has been on producing game design content for tabletop and digital game companies. These freelance opportunities have been filling up my schedule since I made it into the Final Four of Paizo’s RPG SuperStar contest. Between this and working a full time job, I haven’t had a chance to keep up with this blog nor produce much fiction in the MG/YA literary arena. Please note, that I still absolutely love writing kids lit and plan to continue to do so, but I also very much enjoy game design writing and eagerly accept exciting contracts when they pop up. And luckily for me, they’ve been popping up quite a bit.

I currently have several freelance game design projects I’m committed to, but I plan to get started on the Ashwood sequel soon, as well as launch Ashwood as a self-published product. That said, I doubt I will continue to use this blog much, so if you’re looking for updates on Ashwood or any other of my works, please follow me on Twitter (@CJMalarsky) or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCJMalarsky/) – both of which I update much more frequently than here. Twitter and Facebook is simply easier for me to maintain than a blog.

Thanks for reading!